Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Planning started for 2008 cruise schedule

We are beginning to plan our cruise schedule for 2008. Anyone can host a cruise. The cruise host's responsibilities are:
Put the cruise on the schedule,
Provide contact information so people can ask questions, and let you know they are coming,
Arrange to shuttle drivers from the take-out back to the put-in.

Most of our cruises begin at 6pm on Tuesdays, from late April through mid-September. They range in distance from 3 to 9 miles. Longer cruises can be scheduled on weekends. Our rating system ranks cruises that begin and end at the same point as EASY (paddlers can go any distance at any pace). Cruises that have put-ins and take-outs separated by less than 6 miles and have little or no portaging or rapids are rated MODERATE. DIFFICULT cruises are longer than 6 miles and may involve portaging or rapids. LEATHERNECK cruises are all-day cruises of 30 miles or more.

Tuesday evening cruises should be within easy driving distance of Bemidji, Cass Lake, Walker or Park Rapids, Minnesota.

We'll post the schedule on this blog before the cruise season begins. Send your cruise suggestions to Be sure to specify the date, time, put-in location, take-out location, and your contact information (telephone preferred).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great information! Thanks.