Thursday, February 28, 2008

Minnesota Sesquicentennial Cruise

Do you remember Minnesota's centennial celebration in 1958? I remember a lot of men growing beards, but the celebration was eclipsed in my memory by the opening of the Saint Lawrence Seaway celebration in Duluth the following year. I remember jets flying in formation over the city and a big parade led by Gene Autrey and Roy Rodgers on horseback. The centennial paled in comparison, but probably had fewer environmental consequences.

How will we (or our children or grandchildren) remember the sesquicentennial, fifty years from now? We have to create those memories.

The Forest History Museum (Grand Rapids) is involved in planning sesquicentennial activities. That seems appropriate, since memories are their business.

They have suggested that we do some cruising on the Mississippi River and perhaps they could provide us with a lumberjack's dinner at their logging camp. For those who want to make a day of it, I'd suggest putting in at the confluence of the Mississippi and Leech Rivers. For a shorter trip, you could put in at Schoolcraft State Park or any bridge downstream. A nice weekend trip might start at the Winnie Dam, spend the night at Schoolcraft, and finish at the Forest History Museum.

Mull it over. I'll provide more details on the Forest History Museum connection, later. If this prospect really excites you and you want to suggest some dates, send an email to

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Kayaking on Superior program: March 25

On Tuesday, March 25, Polly and Lee Scotland will present an illustrated talk about their kayak adventures on Lake Superior. The program will begin at 6:30 pm at JW Smith Elementary School auditorium. Refreshments will be provided. This program is the kickoff of the 2008 canoe and kayak season, hosted by the Headwaters Canoe Club*. The public is invited. Admission is free!

Headwaters Canoe Club* hosts weekly cruises on local lakes and rivers from April through September, mostly on Tuesdays at 6 pm. Anyone is welcome to participate, whether they are members or not. Anyone is also welcome to join the club for a fee of $10/year per household. New members receive a book of canoe route maps of the Headwaters area. For more information, contact

*and other silent sports!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Planning started for 2008 cruise schedule

We are beginning to plan our cruise schedule for 2008. Anyone can host a cruise. The cruise host's responsibilities are:
Put the cruise on the schedule,
Provide contact information so people can ask questions, and let you know they are coming,
Arrange to shuttle drivers from the take-out back to the put-in.

Most of our cruises begin at 6pm on Tuesdays, from late April through mid-September. They range in distance from 3 to 9 miles. Longer cruises can be scheduled on weekends. Our rating system ranks cruises that begin and end at the same point as EASY (paddlers can go any distance at any pace). Cruises that have put-ins and take-outs separated by less than 6 miles and have little or no portaging or rapids are rated MODERATE. DIFFICULT cruises are longer than 6 miles and may involve portaging or rapids. LEATHERNECK cruises are all-day cruises of 30 miles or more.

Tuesday evening cruises should be within easy driving distance of Bemidji, Cass Lake, Walker or Park Rapids, Minnesota.

We'll post the schedule on this blog before the cruise season begins. Send your cruise suggestions to Be sure to specify the date, time, put-in location, take-out location, and your contact information (telephone preferred).

March presentation: Kayaking on Lake Superior

Headwaters Canoe Club* will start its paddling season with a presentation by Polly and Lee Scotland. They'll show photos and talk about their adventure in kayaks on Lake Superior. Details regarding time and place will follow as soon as they are confirmed. This program seems especially appropriate because we are expecting to add a cruise or two that are specifically tailored for sea kayaks.

*and other silent sports!